Examinations & X-rays

Why are Dental Examinations Important?

At Waiata Shores Dental, we know that every smile is unique and strive to nurture the vital relationship between you and your dentist. Regular examinations are advised to complement a good daily oral health routine and to provide a preventative approach to dental issues. Diagnosis is the key to providing effective treatment and long-term results, so taking X-rays is very important. We can take 2D and 3D images using our clinic's latest technology.

Benefits of regular check-ups:

  • Prevention of periodontal disease and oral cancer

  • Maintenance of oral health

  • Prevention of bad breath

  • Maintenance of dental health

  • Care of a bright white smile

  • Prevent infections

What do we cover?

During your first visit, we will conduct a thorough examination to understand your current dental condition. Dentists can take x-rays of your teeth. X-rays can be beneficial in determining the current state of your jaw, such as the position of your wisdom teeth and in diagnosing problems that are often overlooked. Our dentists take the time to understand your lifestyle, past treatments, procedures, any current dental problems and can talk you through any concerns you may have. We know that a trip to the dentist can cause apprehension, so building a relationship of trust between our dentists and you can help calm nerves and put anxieties to rest.

Your dentist will thoroughly examine your mouth, teeth and gums at each check-up. They will examine your teeth for any decay, cracks, infections and your gums for any gum disease and recommend treatment accordingly. After discussing the options in detail, your dentist will create a treatment plan that meets your needs. Your dentist will provide advice and guidance on ongoing and improved dental care.

Regular examinations are recommended to maintain good oral health.

The Oral & Overall Health Connection

What is a Comprehensive Exam?

Why are X-Rays important?

Call 09 391 7777 to make an appointment or for any queries


Call 09 391 7777 to make an appointment or for any queries |

Why choose us?

Our team of experienced dentists have all the right tools at their disposal to ensure you get the best care from the word go.

We offer different types of examination

Comprehensive Examinations - $349 | Up to 60 minutes

At Waiata Shores Dental we recommend getting a comprehensive exam done if it is your first visit to us or if you haven’t seen a dentist in few years and recommended for our existing patients once every 3-5 years. We offer Comprehensive Examinations which consist of an Intra Oral & Extra Oral exam, CBCT Scan (3D X-ray), Bitewing x-rays, Intra oral 3D scan, Intra-oral images and Extra-oral photos - individually valued over $550. The cost also includes a second complimentary 20 minute appointment to discuss the treatment plan, take you through the 3D scans/images and chalk out next steps. Check the below video out to know more.

Standard Examinations - $89 + X-Rays | Up to 40 minutes

At Waiata Shores Dental we recommend getting a Standard Exam done if you would like to get a full examination of your oral health. We offer Standard Examinations which consist of an Intra Oral & Extra Oral exam, Bitewing x-rays or OPG or CBCT Scan (charged separately) and Intra-oral images.

Specific Consultations - $69 + X-rays | Up to 30 minutes

At Waiata Shores Dental we recommend getting a Specific Consultation if you would like the dentist to focus on only one problem that you are facing/experiencing. We offer Specific Consultation which consists of an Intra Oral & Extra Oral exam, Bitewing x-rays or OPG or CBCT Scan (charged separately) and Intra-oral images. These consults are ideal if you have Toothache, Broken Tooth, Chipped fillings, Sensitivity or Bleeding of Gums

Why are X-Rays Important?

At Waiata Shores Dental we offer a wide array of x-ray options to our patients. We offer bitewing x-rays, Panoramic X-rays (OPG) or 3D x-rays (CBCT Scans).


What are the advantages of regular dental check-ups?

Dental health is priceless, and prevention is better than cure. Regular check-ups give your dentist a chance to stop signs of gum disease and tooth decay and work with you to keep your smile fresh and bright, now and in the future. Check your teeth regularly. By doing so, we can detect problems early through examination.

How often should I have a dental examination?

At Waiata Shores Dental, our Dentist will advise you on how often to check your teeth as part of your oral care. It depends on an individual's needs. Most patients need an annual dental check-up, while others need more frequent visits during treatment or when needed. Your dentist will discuss the optimal frequency for general check-ups and determine a convenient time and date.

Quick comparison of all Examinations

Inclusions Comprehensive Exam Standard Exam Specific Consult
Cost $349 $89 $69
Duration Up to 60 minutes Up to 40 minutes Up to 30 minutes
Bitewing X-Rays Included $20 each $20 each
Intra Oral Images Yes Yes Yes
CBCT Scan or 3D X-Ray Included No No
Extra Oral Images Yes No No
3D Intra Oral Scan Yes No No
Treatment Plan Consultation Yes – 20 minutes (complimentary) No No