Teeth Cleaning

Why is Teeth Cleaning important?

Our dentist/Oral Health Therapist’s (OHT) primary goal is to

  • Stop the gum diseases

  • Prevent plaque from building up

  • Prevent and protect yourself from tooth decays, one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults.

Incorporating regular professional dental cleanings into your oral care routine can help prevent gum disease and tooth decay.

OHT/Hygienist visits for preventative care are just like servicing your car every six months to avoid any major surprises in the long run. Regular hygienist visits ensure any tooth-related problems are detected nicely and early. They can be proactively dealt with before they cause you excruciating pain/discomfort and a significant expense!

The Airflow Cleaning Process

What do we offer? EMS Airflow Dental Spa!

Say goodbye to plaque and stains with the incredible EMS Airflow machine – the ultimate solution for superior teeth cleaning!

Sparkling Smiles: Achieve a dazzling smile with the power of EMS Airflow! This advanced technology gently removes stubborn stains, leaving your teeth cleaner, whiter, and brighter than ever before!

Trusted by Professionals: Dental experts around the world rely on EMS Airflow for its precision and effectiveness. Now, experience the same professional cleaning in the comfort of your dentist's chair.

Power of Air and Water: The magic lies in the perfect combination of air, water, and fine powder particles, eradicating surface stains without damaging your enamel.

Award-Winning Innovation: EMS Airflow has been recognized for its innovation and outstanding results. Join millions who have transformed their oral health with this cutting-edge device!

Smile Confidently: Feel the difference after just one session! Enjoy the confidence that comes with a fresh, clean smile.

Empowering Prevention: Regular use of EMS Airflow helps prevent dental issues, promoting long-term oral health and saving you from unnecessary discomfort down the road.

Call 09 391 7777 to make an appointment or for any queries


Call 09 391 7777 to make an appointment or for any queries |

Appointment Details

A visit to your local Waitata Shores Dental, Oral Health Therapist includes an initial oral health assessment followed by a "scaling" procedure. Here, harmful plaque and tartar build-up are carefully and gently removed from the tooth surface and around the gums using scalers and curettes. If you have sensitive teeth, we will apply a numbing gel around the gums to make you comfortable, or we will offer anaesthesia if you need a deep clean. At times cleaning may require one or more visits. Most visits are around 50 minutes with some needing between 90-120 minutes. For deep fissures, your Oral Health Therapist may apply fluoride or an antibacterial gel.



The cost of cleaning with our Oral Health Therapist, ranges from $189 to $343.50 per session. This variance depends on how long it has been since your last dental visit, if we have seen you before, and the extent of dental plaque and stains. If there are periodontal issues, the cost will be higher, which will be discussed by our Oral Health Therapist before commencing the treatment.

Tooth Fissures Treatment

Tooth fissures are small holes or grooves that appear on the surface of the teeth, especially in the posterior teeth. Usually, one can easily miss these narrow crevices with regular brushing. That means bacteria can build up in fissures and decay your teeth. Fissure sealants are a quick and convenient preventive measure that your hygienist/Dentist can use to prevent tooth decay. A Hygienist/Dentist can advise if this is the recommended treatment for your teeth.

Complete Oral Care

Prevention is better than cure. Doctors can quickly address the problem by recognizing the early signs of tooth decay and gingivitis.

In addition to a thorough cleaning and polishing, the dental hygienist will also perform a general oral health check. A Waiata Shores Dental hygienist will meet with you to provide personalised advice and optimal oral health maintenance tips, from diet to dental care.

Airflow with Braces

Airflow vs Egg

Airflow Introduction