Broken Tooth

  • Chipped and broken Teeth, Causes and Solutions

    • Our teeth are robust, but they are subject to so much stress that they can chip, break or crack.

    • Common causes of these fractures are:

    • Eating hard food

    • Facial trauma after an accident

    • Sports injuries

    • Grinding

    • large old fillings

    Untreated cavities can lead to brittle and cracked teeth. The remaining natural tooth structure can become brittle over time.

    Broken teeth don't always cause immediate pain. For example, if the fracture extends to a nerve, people may occasionally feel discomfort when biting or become sensitive to heat or cold. All fractures, whether painful or not, should be evaluated by a dentist as soon as possible to check the health and saturation of the teeth and provide necessary treatment to prevent further deterioration or problems.

  • Teeth with small chipped edges usually don't cause pain or problems, but your dentist may suggest a restoration by smoothing the edges and placing tooth-coloured fillings. , prevent rough edges from cutting your lips and tongue.

    Severe fractures and severely fractured teeth may require more complex treatment as they may be due to caries. Large cavities can cause fractures which can be very painful if left untreated. Cavities in teeth can cause infection along the exposed gum line and pulp (root canals, nerves, and connective tissue). In such cases, one may require root canal treatment. Cracks or breaks can expose nerve endings, making the tooth sensitive to heat, cold, or food.

    A cracked or broken tooth does not always require root canal treatment. If there is no pain or infection, the crack is filled with special dental cement and fixed, and the broken tooth is restored with a crown. Crowns are also used to treat other types of cracks and fractures. As a preventive measure against cusp fractures, root splits or vertical fractures, molar splits, and further fissures. As a last resort, if the tooth has decayed from the inside out and is irreversibly fractured, the dentist may recommend removing the tooth.

    A cracked tooth can be invisible or inevitably painful, but just because it doesn't cause problems doesn't mean you should ignore it. Seeing your dentist check for any issues is part of your oral health routine, no matter how trivial you think they are. Infections can develop quickly, so one should seek proper treatment as soon as possible. Regular check-ups and discussions with your dentist can help prevent cracks and cracks from becoming a problem.

  • What to Do About a Broken Tooth

    If you have a broken or chipped tooth, follow these steps before making an appointment with your Portman dentist.

    Rinse mouth with lukewarm water

    Use gauze or moistened tea bag to pressure the bleeding area.

    If cheeks are swollen, apply an ice pack to the cheeks.

    Over-the-counter pain relievers such as paracetamol (unless directed otherwise by your doctor)

    Cover the chipped tooth with milk, saliva, or saline

    Contact Waiata Shores Dental dentists ASAP to discuss how to repair fractures.