The clear aligner treatment experience that supports you along the journey to a healthy, beautiful smile.

If you are considering clear aligners, we know that you want to be confident that you will achieve the results you want, in the time you expect, without aligners interfering with your daily routine.

Getting Started with SureSmile® Clear Aligners

Step 1: Book your Consultation appointment to see if SureSmile is the right solution for you. The first appointment consists of:

  • full dental check-up

  • extra oral and intra-oral photos,

  • OPG or Panoramic X-ray

  • 3D Digital impression of lower and upper jaw to assess how clear aligners will work best for you.

The cost of this appointment is $249 for appx 50 minutes.

Step 2: Developing your treatment plan - We partner with experts in the SureSmile® Digital Lab, evaluating each tooth for optimal movement. Using their proprietary technology, we will develop a customised treatment plan just for you. You will get to see a 3D presentation of the end result during this appointment and if any dental treatment needs to be carried out before starting the SureSmile journey, a treatment estimate would be provided during this appointment.

There is no charge for this appointment and would last appx 20 minutes.

Step 3: Begin your smile journey - Get your SureSmile® Clear Aligners and you’re on your way to a smile you’ll feel confident about. Dr Neha will ensure everything is on track during routine check-in visits.

Everyone’s journey is different, and Dr Neha and Waiata Shores Dental wish to make the process comfortable and rewarding every step of the way. Let us know how we can support you!

Get the Smile you’ve always wanted

Dr Neha Kugaonkar at Waiata Shores Dental knows that feeling confident in your smile is important for your overall happiness and self-esteem. We are here to help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted in a way that works for you.

Did you know that straightening your teeth has benefits beyond cosmetic improvement? Misaligned or crowded teeth can make maintaining hygiene difficult, which may lead to oral health problems. Crooked teeth and bite problems can sometimes lead to:

  • Tooth damage and chipping

  • Tooth loss

  • Wearing away of tooth enamel

  • Difficulty speaking or chewing

 In addition to giving you the beautiful smile that you deserve, straightening your teeth may reduce the risk of cavities and help prevent gum disease.

Be Sure with SureSmile®

Your Journey to a Confident Smile Starts with SureSmile® Clear Aligners

Clear aligner technology has made orthodontic treatment more discreet, while moving teeth to create a healthy, beautiful smile. Unlike traditional metal braces which rely on brackets and wires, SureSmile®straightens teeth through a series of clear, comfortable, removable aligners. You can expect to wear your aligners for 22 hours each day and change them every two weeks as you progress through treatment. Each set of aligners will put gentle pressure on your teeth to gradually reposition them until your smile reaches ideal alignment.

Is SureSmile® right for me?

SureSmile® Clear Aligners can effectively treat bite problems as below

Your questions answered

How long will treatment take with SureSmile® Clear Aligners?

Treatment time will vary based on your unique smile and goals, but generally lasts anywhere from 6 to 18 months. Now available with SureSmile® Clear Aligners, the SureSmile® VPro™ is a convenient and portable device designed for 5 minutes of daily use. SureSmile® VPro™ can help provide added comfort (1,2) and may reduce aligner treatment time.(1,3)

Can I eat and drink while wearing my SureSmile® Clear Aligners?

Great news – you don’t need to give up your favorite foods while you’re in treatment! However, you do need to remove your aligners when eating and drinking all liquids except for cool water to retain their fit and prevent discoloration. Simply remove your aligners to eat and drink all the foods and beverages you typically enjoy, then brush your teeth before putting your SureSmile® Clear Aligners back in place.

Why SureSmile® is a Trusted Option?

As dental technology evolves, so does our practice and Dr Neha Kugaonkar at Waiata Shores Dental is proud to offer SureSmile® Clear Aligners to our patients. Advanced treatment planning and proven materials combine to give you a personalized plan with predictable results. 750,000 patients have trusted SureSmile® technology to straighten their teeth.

Share Your Smile with the World

After your treatment has ended, we want to help you maintain your new smile and the confidence that comes with it!

You can use SureSmile® Retainers to maintain your beautiful smile and protect your investment. When used as prescribed, SureSmile® Retainers help keep your teeth in place long after your treatment has ended.

SureSmile® Clear Aligners can give you the smile you’ve always wanted in a way that works for you. Invest in your smile and yourself!  

Your Investment in Confidence and Health. How much will SureSmile® Clear Aligners cost?

The total cost of your new smile will depend on the custom treatment plan we create for you. Our staff can discuss your options with you, including potential payment plans and insurance coverage. These treatments range from $5999-$8999.

Is clear aligner treatment covered by insurance?

Some insurance companies offer one-time orthodontic treatment coverage. To better understand your policy, we recommend calling your insurance company, talking to your employee benefits manager, or asking our team for help.

Do you provide payment options?

We have long term finance available through QCard/QMastercard. We have short term finance available through GEM Visa & Afterpay.

* Patient counts as of March 2022. Data on file with SureSmile®.

1Alansari, "The effects of brief daily vibration on clear aligner orthodontic treatment, " JFWO 2018               

2Nicozisis, "Effects of a 120Hz high-frequency acceleration device on orthodontic discomfort," 2018 

3Shipley, "Effects of high frequency acceleration device on aligner treatment--a pilot study," Dentistry Journal 2018